Tony Ferguson
Health Matters

Healthy lifestyle

Dietary Fibre… Who needs it?


Dietary Fibre is an essential part of a healthy diet, it helps to promote good digestive health and regular bowel movements.

As the name suggests, we usually get Dietary Fibre from our diets; it’s found in foods such as fruit, veggies, grains and cereals. It is a type of carbohydrate derived from the undigestible parts of plants. Unlike other carbohydrates, namely sugar and starch, fibre is not digested by the body. Instead, it passes relatively unchanged through our digestive systems – leaving us with some health benefits as it does.

Fibre has many functions in the body. It helps to promote a healthy gut, prevent discomfort and constipation and assists with weight management. Fibre also helps to lower the risk and/or effects of conditions such as haemorrhoids, diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes and Cholesterol.


There are 2 main types of fibre: Soluble Fibre and Insoluble Fibre.

Soluble fibre dissolves in water in the digestive system and, as it does so, it helps to soften the stool making it easier to pass. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and instead acts like a broom in helping to move bulk through the digestive system and prevent constipation.

Fibre slows down the rate of digestion of food and takes up space in the digestive system which can assist weight control by giving you a feeling of fullness or satiety.

Both forms of fibre act together to help keep you regular, feeling fuller for longer and provide additional health benefits, however, many of us do not get enough fibre from our diets.


A daily intake of about 30g Dietary Fibre is widely recommended and this can easily be achieved with a few simple tweaks to your daily routine. As a starting point, try out some of our top tips:

  1. Include a portion of fibre-rich veggies in your meals, and if you’re having fruit, opt for high-fibre, low-sugar fruits such as berries.
  2. Take a daily Dietary Fibre supplement.
  3. Opt for high-fibre versions of your favourite foods. For example, go for fibre-focused cereals and choose whole-wheat breads over white bread.
  4. Make sure you’re drinking enough water. Water has numerous health benefits, and it will help the fibre in your system to work effectively.
  5. Build up slowly. Going from zero to hero with your fibre intake can cause some discomfort if your body is not used to it. Start by upping your fibre intake by a small amount and increase it gradually from there.


Tony Ferguson Dietary Fibre Powder

Designed to help by providing a source of dietary fibre. It contains psyllium husk, oat bran and oat fibre plus the herb slippery elm. This combination of soluble and insoluble fibre works together to cleanse the bowel and keep you regular while also helping you to feel fuller for longer.

Tony Ferguson Dietary Fibre Capsules

Our specially designed Tony Ferguson Fibre Powder packed into a convenient easy-to-use capsule.

Tony Ferguson Fibre Plus

A daily dietary fibre supplement packed into a delicious and convenient instant drink that you can mix in minutes. Tony Ferguson Fibre Plus has added benefits from carefully selected ingredients. It contains oat beta-glucan which helps to reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol and dietary glucose in the intestine; and Tolerase® L, an enzyme which assists with the breakdown of lactose also known as milk sugar. 
